
Country Kids (Chateles Del Campo) Official Trailer

If you've been following our recent (and successful!) kickstarter fundraising effort, you'll most likely have seen this trailer already.  The good news is that now you don't have to listen to Jason talk at the beginning!  (Jason, you have a wonderful speaking voice.)  So watch the trailer again and get excited like it was your first time.  If it is your first time, aren't you super excited??

Next I'll be working on putting together a rough cut of the entire film, so the foreseeable future will for me, be defined by a lot of solipsistic sitting in a dark room, coffee drinking, and periodic walks in the woods.

The Unemployment Monsters #3

Instead of stewing complacently in the horrors of job-hunting, I've decided to track down the creatures responsible for making the process of finding employment such a soul-crushing experience.  No, it's not the economic recession and it has nothing to do with outsourcing or even your own bad attitude...it's because of The Unemployment Monsters.

This irascible prankster peruses your resume to ensure that there are a few misspelled words in there.  He's an attention-starved little guy, true, but to be fair, he probably has a pretty unstable home life.

I've been VERY busy this week battling this tiny demon...but now I think my stuff is finally error-free.  Check out some of the other monsters below.

Monster #1
Monster #3 ***